Northern Saw-whet Owl
Curious about Northern Saw-whet owl migration and monitoring techniques?! And/or do you love car camping?! Join us under the stars on Friday, October 6th for a night of small owl banding and car camping at Lassen National Park! Erika Iacona will lead us through a night at Shasta Counties Northern Saw-whet Owl migration monitoring station with camping at Manzanita Lake Campground to follow. Banding occurs after dark, beginning a half hour after sunset and four hours thereafter. Camping is not a requirement to attend the banding event, only an option. Camping space is limited! This gathering is completely outdoors, in the dark, in cold temperatures. Event is weather permitting and subject to cancellation if precipitation is predicted. Please contact Erika at before September 30th to confirm your spot! If you spend the night at Manzanita Lake, you can stop at Lake McCumber for the 9am event just down the road!