Tag Archives | Tule Goose

Waterfowl Ecology in Suisun Marsh and the Pacific Flyway

Tule Goose

Cory Overton is part of a team of wildlife biologists and geographers at the Dixon Field Station between Sacramento and San Francisco, a unit of the Western Ecological Research Center of the USGS. He has worked on migratory, game, and endangered species using telemetry methods from British Columbia to California and Nevada since 2000.
For the last few years we have partnered with both California and Oregon’s Departments of Fish and Wildlife to attach GPS neck collars to Tule Geese at Summer Lake, Oregon.  This is part of our larger waterfowl research program in the Pacific Flyway, the goal of which is to increase our understanding of waterfowl ecology and develop management options to meet habitat requirements and reduce competition for resources such as food water and space among waterfowl species while meeting human needs. Since we had an active, longer term monitoring program in place to compare with, we were able to observe effects to migrating geese in real time which resulted from unprecedented wildfire conditions in 2020.  Here is the link to the presentation:

Topic: Waterfowl Ecology in Suisun Marsh and the Pacific Flyway
Time: May 11, 2022 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

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